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to deliver your message instantly.

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VersiCall is your fast and easy way to reach a group of people with your message.

VersiCall can help you in numerous ways. From school closings to club cancellations, rained out soccer games to party invitations, VersiCall is the way to get the message out fast.

From basketball to soccer to darts, your team or league needs to stay in touch.

Events change and information needs to go out fast. VersiCall is there to make sure your players know the score, delivering your messages quickly and accurately. Never again leave a volunteer at the gate in case people show up to a cancelled event…let VersiCall do the Job!

Do you have a Church group or Prayer group?

VersiCall is the easiest way to get a quick message out to everyone to add their prayers for a member.

VersiCall is the best way to get school news out quickly to parents.

Snow closing or delay? VersiCall can get the message out fast. Likewise your school organizations, sports teams, clubs and such.

VersiCall is perfect for sending messages out to the Scout Troop.

Changed meeting locations, bringing items for a merit badge project, canceled meetings, even reminders to be brave and trustworthy can all be sent in moments with VersiCall.